ChatGPT 介绍短文中英文对照


科技文章阅读理解练习。这里是 ChatGPT 的一篇介绍短文:

ChatGPT is a language model based on artificial intelligence that can have natural text conversations with users, answer questions, provide help, and even challenge wrong premises or reject inappropriate requests.

ChatGPT is developed by OpenAI, based on GPT-3.5 technology. It does not index web pages on the internet like a search engine, but performs tasks by predicting the next word in a series of words.

ChatGPT has some of the following main features:

  • Contextual understanding: ChatGPT is able to understand the context of a conversation and generate responses that are relevant to the current topic.

  • Human-like responses: ChatGPT is trained on a large dataset of human-human conversations, so it can mimic human language style and emotion.

  • Wide range of applications: ChatGPT can be used for various tasks such as language translation, text summarization, question answering, article and story generation etc.





  • 上下文理解:ChatGPT能够理解对话的上下文,并生成与当前话题相关的回应。

  • 人性化回应:ChatGPT是在大量人类对话数据集上训练的,因此它能够模仿人类的语言风格和情感。

  • 广泛的应用:ChatGPT可以用于多种任务,如语言翻译、文本摘要、问答、文章和故事生成等。